SACPA acknowledges that our events takes place on the lands of the Blackfoot People and Metis Nation of Alberta, Region lll and we pay respect to their past, present and future cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship to the land. SACPA commits to assist reconciliation efforts by raising awareness of the ways past and present injustices can be reconciled.

Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs (SACPA) was founded in 1967. It is an independent forum, moderated by volunteers, meeting Thursdays at noon some 40 weeks a year and at occasional special sessions, to debate local, provincial, national, and international issues of concern to the residents of Lethbridge and Southern Alberta.

SACPA sessions are at the LSCO (Lethbridge Senior Citizen Organization) at 500 11 St. S. Lethbridge, lunch at 11:30 am, speaker 12:00 to 1:00 and made available on our YouTube channel for viewing and you are invited to explore them on our YouTube channel.

The rationale of the Council is that the strength of a political democracy is lodged in the freedom of citizens to assemble and freely discuss ideas and issues. SACPA seeks to promote a sense of community and citizenship amongst the public. It is strictly non-partisan in its political outlook and encourages the expression of divergent viewpoints. SACPA does not take sides on the issues debated at its sessions. The opinions expressed by speakers are their own and are not necessarily shared by the Board of Directors.

Upcoming Sessions

Upcoming Sessions

Is Alberta's new NDP leader likely to make substantial changes to NDP policies of the past?

Thursday, June 27, 2024 12:00 PM

Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization

Dr. Duane Bratt

For the past several months, Kathleen Ganley, Jodi Calahoo Stonehouse, Sarah Hoffman and Naheed Nenshi have been battling it out to see who will replace Rachel Notley as leader of Alberta’s NDP. Each leadership candidate faced an entrance fee of $60,000 and a spending limit of $500,000. Initially, David Shepherd registered his candidacy early, but did not pursue it further. Rakhi Pancholi also announced her candidacy early, but withdrew from the leadership race shortly after Naheed Nenshi entered the race.

General Meeting for SACPA (Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs)

Thursday, June 27, 2024 1:15 PM

Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization

SACPA’s AGM is scheduled immediately following the final 2023 – 2024 session featuring Dr. Duane Bratt. Members in good standing eligible to vote. Date/time: Thursday June 27, 2023, 1:15 pm. Location**:** Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization (LSCO) Dining Room, 500-11 Street S, Lethbridge, AB

Recent Sessions

Recent Sessions

Local Leadership in a Changing Landscape: How Will the Roles of Bills 18 and 20 Shape Alberta?

Thursday, June 20, 2024 12:00 PM

Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization

Jack van Rijn, Mayor of Coaldale

The speaker will share his views on Bill 18, which deals with a potential limitation of municipal-federal agreements - an overview of the bill, its intentions, and the potential impacts on municipal autonomy, operations and how this bill could redefine the relationship between municipalities and the federal government, and what this can mean for local governance and decision-making. Regarding Bill 20, the Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, the speaker will examine the amendments proposed in this bill, their significance for municipal administration and highlight key changes.

Should we be paying more attention to the weather and biodiversity changes in far away Antarctica?

Thursday, June 13, 2024 12:00 PM

Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization

Dr. Jennifer Copeland

The sense of isolation that Antarctica brings is achieved in part thanks to an international collaboration and treaty that sees Antarctica as an unowned land, open to science and discovery. It is closely and collectively monitored by protocols that visiting parties agree to follow and therefore, it’s a perfect stage for programs focused on leadership and sustainability. Our speaker, who will account her experience, did her homework, and then some, before embarking on her 19-night tour of Antarctica as part of the Homeward Bound global leadership initiative for women with a background in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM).

Is the UCP’s Alberta Pension Plan just Pixie Dust and Unicorns?

Wednesday, June 5, 2024 12:00 PM

Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization

David Bruce Carpenter, Chartered accountant

The session will address the history of CPP, who governs CPP, relationship to QPP, funding methodology for pensions, necessary changes to ensure viability in the 1990s, the unfunded liability, viability of the current plan, fiduciary responsibilities of decision makers, ownership of the assets, who gets the liability on separation, the UCP proposal, gaping holes in their promises, UCP’s ability to manage the referendum, and finally serious questions for Albertans to ponder.

The gut-brain connection: How can it help us achieve gut and brain health?

Thursday, May 30, 2024 12:00 PM

Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization

Dr. Chelsea Matisz

There is a wealth of evidence highlighting the bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain. This communication highway, facilitated by many pathways, forms the cornerstone of what we now recognize as the gut-brain axis. But why should we care about this intricate web of connections? The answer lies in the profound implications it holds for our overall health and wellness. Research has shown that disruptions in the delicate balance of the gut-brain axis can contribute to a wide array of health issues, ranging from gastrointestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) to neurological conditions such as anxiety and depression.

A Rural Medical Education Training Centre at U of L: What are the Benefits and Challenges?

Thursday, May 23, 2024 12:00 PM

Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization

Dr. Jon Doan, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Lethbridge

Recently, the Alberta government announced an investment of over $200 million to train more physicians for rural areas, with a significant share of that money being invested at ULethbridge for a new rural medical education program training centre, one of two that will be established in the province. ULethbridge will be working with the University of Calgary on the centre here while the University of Alberta will partner with Northwestern Polytechnic to develop one in Grand Prairie.

How can we stem the tide of rising age-related dementia?

Thursday, May 16, 2024 12:00 PM

Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization

Robert Sutherland

This talk will outline the brain bases of age-related dementia. Dementias can be reversed or avoided by modifying specific risk factors. Some are only available early in life, while others can be addressed in later years. A current understanding of the full range of risk factors, modifiable and non-modifiable, will be presented. Speaker: Dr. Rob Sutherland Rob Sutherland is Professor & Chair of Neuroscience, Tier 1 Board of Governors Research Chair in Neuroscience, Director of the Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience, and Director of the Hub for Neuroengineering Solutions.
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