What is the Future of our Lethbridge Seniors Centres?
The City of Lethbridge developed an Integrated Strategic Plan (2007 to 2010) entitled “Towards a Sustainable Future”. Key phrases from that document are Sustainable, Creative and Inclusive. Many times since then we have heard the words “Quality of Life” as a key strength of our City!

Our provincial government promotes the concept of “aging in your own home”. We all know that quality of life for seniors is staying connected, being active and being part of the community. All this begs the question “What is the Future of our Lethbridge Seniors Centres?”

Continuing increases in operating costs and decreasing funding sources is a challenge facing our centres and creates a “core funding” issue. The next challenge already starting to impact our centres is the changing demographics with the onslaught bubble of the “baby-boomer retirees” Since the two centres, Nord-Bridge Seniors Association and Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization, provide ideal opportunities for enhancing the “quality of life”, what are the challenges and how do we plan to meet them?

To address these important questions facing both our centres- Randy Smith, Executive Director, at Nord-Bridge Centre will outline the challenges and describe some actions for meeting those challenges. (Rob Miyashiro, Executive Director of LSCO will also be in attendance.)

Speaker: Randy Smith

Randy accepted the task of Executive Director at Nord-Bridge Seniors Centre in 1998. He has been the driving force behind the redevelopment of the original Chinook Mall into a very modern and up to date activity center for seniors and senior programs located at 1904-13 Avenue North, Lethbridge. Under his guidance and an elected volunteer board, the centre has grown from 300 members to 1300 members today!

Moderator: Jim Hahn, Vice President, Nord-Bridge Seniors Association

Date: February 4, 2010 Time: Noon to 1:30 p.m.
Location: Country Kitchen Catering (Lower level of The Keg) 1715 Mayor Magrath Drive South. Cost: $10.00 (includes lunch)

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