Recently, Mayor Hyggen presented his annual State of the City address for the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce and he highlighted our rapid population growth and the challenges and opportunities. What are our current needs? What do we foresee in the near future and beyond? How do we pay for it? Who should pay for it? The speaker will talk about the issues, costs, priorities and realities.
Speaker: Blaine Hyggen, Mayor of Lethbridge
Blaine Hyggen was first elected to City Council in 2013 and was elected Mayor in 2021. He has owned and operated various businesses throughout the community for the past 28 years. He studied Business Law and Accounting at Lethbridge Community College.
Some of Blaine’s past and current volunteer experience includes: School Councils, Lethbridge Figure Skating Club, Lethbridge Volleyball Association, Lethbridge Oldtimers Sports Association and The Lethbridge Hurricanes Hockey Club, to name a few.
Blaine’s family is his number one priority. His wife Jennifer is a Registered Nurse and they have two daughters: Jayden and Jelayna. Blaine enjoys attending local theatre and staying active by running, biking and playing hockey.
As a proud parent and successful business owner, Blaine loves Lethbridge and wants to see it remain the best city for families while ensuring it is a great place to do business.
Date/Time: Thursday, Feb 13, 2025. The session begins at 12 noon and concludes at 1 pm.
Cost is free, donations however, are gratefully accepted.
Location: SACPA sessions are held at Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization (LSCO), Atrium Dining Room, 500 -11 Street S, Lethbridge
Lunch and Refreshments: Please arrive early to patronize the LSCO cafeteria and enjoy their excellent variety of good-value food options. The Atrium Dining Room is available by 11:15 am